Food keeps a memory alive

As I was recently watching my teenage children make pancakes one Sunday morning, it made me think of my Nan. I recall when visiting her in Lightning ridge once she made these pancakes for me. Both my Dad and my Uncle use the recipe too and I wonder how many of my other siblings and cousins make pancakes with their children on the weekend and remember Nan. She has been gone for many years but her memory still remains. Nan was not a

Capturing your story for future generations!

  As Erickson’s later life stage suggests it is natural to want to pass on our knowledge and experiences to future generations. As the pace of our society rapidly changes and the decisions we make reflect our changing priorities the need to respect and appreciate our heritage only increases. With the vast distances between us and emails, texts and facebook replacing the more classic traditions of telling stories around the kitchen table the process of writing your story has become more important. Sadly

The Process of Writing your Life Story …

“The only story that matters is the one you want to write” The life story process is always directed by the storyteller; it is his or her truth and must be accurately presented and respected. During the first meeting we will discuss and define the storytellers project goals to ensure the process is understood and their expectations can be met. The creation of a life story is a piece of art  and written from the story tellers perspective which has been shaped by

Barriers to Life Story Work

Life stories are not suitable for everyone and that’s ok! Life story work is not suitable for everyone and not all people want to explore their past. I know some people who love talking about the past and others who are reserved and private and don’t want to go there. That’s completely ok, we respect everyone has a view and this process is not suited for everyone. A person may even choose to not talk about a particular time or period of their

Benefits of Creating a Life story for staff, carers and residents

Working together to create a biography can strengthen the relationship between staff, families and carers. Creating a life story in a safe and secure environment provides people the opportunity to share their life experiences such as childhood, family, friends, career, interests, beliefs and values, often using music and photographs to stimulate memories. Exploring our past is a natural part of life and provides people with the opportunity to reflect on circumstances that have shaped their lives, gain insight into their strengths and abilities

Creating a Lifestory for a person with dementia

“Too many Australians in nursing homes will end their lives in the company of people who never knew them before they were residents, who have little knowledge of who they used to be, what their lives were like” – John Watkins We all enjoy talking to people about our lives and sharing our stories with others and the creation of a life story provides the opportunity for people with dementia to be proud about their experiences and the lives they’ve lived. When we

Why create a lifestory?

The benefits of creating a Life story Life story work can be an enriching life experience for everyone involved including family, therapist and the client. The process of creating a life story supports the exploration of memories to create a balanced view of life events that can positively affect a person’s present wellbeing. Reminiscing promotes a sense of who we are, experiences we have had and an understanding of the roles we have played during our lives Our heart-warming memories of the past

Reviewing one’s life is considered a central task of old age.

“Everyone who lived to a ripe old age has a fascinating story to tell and this story informs the way they live their final years” – Patricia Edgar Reminiscence, Life review and Life stories are all considered therapeutic processes that promote self-acceptance and improve one’s health and well-being. These therapies have all been shown to improve psychological well-being and lead to overall improvements in life satisfaction, loneliness and depression. Here is a brief explanation for each method to assist you in choosing which