Benefits of Creating a Life story for staff, carers and residents

Working together to create a biography can strengthen the relationship between staff, families and carers. Creating a life story in a safe and secure environment provides people the opportunity to share their life experiences such as childhood, family, friends, career, interests, beliefs and values, often using music and photographs to stimulate memories. Exploring our past is a natural part of life and provides people with the opportunity to reflect on circumstances that have shaped their lives, gain insight into their strengths and abilities

Reviewing one’s life is considered a central task of old age.

“Everyone who lived to a ripe old age has a fascinating story to tell and this story informs the way they live their final years” – Patricia Edgar Reminiscence, Life review and Life stories are all considered therapeutic processes that promote self-acceptance and improve one’s health and well-being. These therapies have all been shown to improve psychological well-being and lead to overall improvements in life satisfaction, loneliness and depression. Here is a brief explanation for each method to assist you in choosing which