Support Co-ordination

Our YOD Reflections team provide Level 2 Support Co-ordination and can help you to get what you need in your NDIS plan. We can support you to build the skills you need to understand, implement, and use your NDIS plan. We will work with you to ensure a variety of supports are used to increase your capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery tasks, live more independently, and be included in your community.

Our responsibilities include:

• Helping you to understand your NDIS Plan;

• Connect with dementia appropriate supports and services;

• Discuss your individual goals and design a support approach that meets your needs;

• Make connections and assist you to establish a network of supports;

• Provide you with the information you need to make informed choices;

• Ensure your plan inclusions change as your needs do;

• Help you plan for the future and be prepared should a crisis or change of circumstances occur

• Assist you to build capacity and resilience; and

• Submit NDIA reviews and progress reports as required.

During our time working with YOD participants, we have established a list of Dementia specific and age-appropriate providers that we can connect you with to provide, Social support, Activities in the community (Music and Art), Domestic assistance, Meals, Transport, Allied health (Occupational Therapy, Physio, Speech pathology) and Assistive technology.

We meet with you monthly via phone, zoom or in person if suitable to review your supports and discuss your changing needs, connecting you with information and service provider options so informed choices can be made.

As we get to know you and the foundations of support are established, “the magic happens” and we assist you to engage in activities that are person centred, creative and inspired. At YOD Reflections, our aim is to not just have someone come and take you for cake and coffee, but to support you to participate in activities that are stimulating and make you feel excited and alive.

With a dementia diagnosis, we know change is constant. At YOD Reflections, we connect you with dementia education and use our knowledge and experience to assist you in understanding and adapting to these changes as they occur.

We liaise with Service providers and assist you to understand Allied health reports and recommendations and make referrals as required. In addition, we can support you to manage your Service agreements and budget to ensure funds are utilised appropriately and last the duration of your NDIS plan.

Should your Circumstances change and you require assistance to explore long term housing options, we have experience is assisting participants to transfer into long term accommodation options, like Supported Independent Living (SIL) or Residential care (if no suitable SIL options are available).

If you enter Residential aged care permanently prior to turning 65 years of age, the support of the NDIS will continue and if funding is allocated for Support Co-oridnation, we can assist you to maintain strong relationships, attending quarterly case conferences with stakeholders and ensuring your needs are met and connection to family and community remain strong.

The NDIS require regular progress reports and we can help you to adjust your NDIS goals and ensure you have the reports required to clearly articulate your needs in your NDIS yearly reviews.

Our prices are aligned with the NDIS price guide and are all inclusive within the Support Co-ordination category of your NDIS plan.


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