“The only story that matters is the one you want to write”

The life story process is always directed by the storyteller; it is his or her truth and must be accurately presented and respected. During the first meeting we will discuss and define the storytellers project goals to ensure the process is understood and their expectations can be met.
The creation of a life story is a piece of art  and written from the story tellers perspective which has been shaped by their life’s events. A person’s current needs and experience will also influence their life story and this will change over time

 A Wedding“Each person plays a substantial role in the creation of her/her own reality” (Yalom)  and it is the prerogative of the storyteller to give individual meaning to his own tale. Each session is based on a chapter, lasts approximately one hour and can range from 5-10 weekly or fortnightly sessions depending upon the chapters you choose for your story. Chapters may include things like childhood memories, personal passions or interests, family traditions, falling in love, travel, and career. Historical events will also be involved in the construction of a life story and may include events such as migration, the depression, conflct and politics. You can choose not to talk about certain areas of your life at any time; this is always your story and your decision.
Your story will be transcribed in in your own words and kept securely at all times. One audio session generally takes 3-4 hours to transcribe into text and will then be formatted into your life story book. At each session the previous transcribed chapter will be reviewed. In the editing stage of a project the narrator needs to decide what information to include or delete from the final document and no defamatory remarks will be included. The process of reading your chapter after transcription allows the details to be checked and provides you with the opportunity to see your story through a reflective lens. It is the essence of a person’s life story and not every single detail that will be treasured as a priceless heirloom for generations to come.

It is important that you feel safe to share your story knowing you can trust us with personal information. Everything you say will be held in the strictest of confidence, except for any discussion regarding abuse or neglect of a child or vulnerable adult, any threat to harm of yourself or someone else where your safety or the safety of others is at risk or if the court of law requests records. These exceptions are for your safety, the safety of vulnerable others, and the upholding of the law and you will be notified by Michelle if for any reason confidentiality must be broken.
It’s important that the client is involved with the decision regarding how public he/she wants to make their life story. Privacy issues are important throughout the entire process and the life story remains your property and who you share it with will be determined by you alone unless permission is granted in writing.
For more information see our Website or Frequently asked Questions page and feel free to contact us should you have further questions.